April 27, 2010

trying to find decorating inspiration everywhere

i'm thinking light pink and some kind of green walls, lots of green plants, books, paintings and picture-frames

moving into a bigger space

love this

April 26, 2010

having a 90's celebration day today

i loved this watermelonicecream as a kid. mostly because it was pretty. where did it go?

April 19, 2010

soooooooooo hot! LOVE IT

also see this extended version
2.30-2.40 contains one of my alltime favorite samples used by LEN in 1999 hit "Steal My Sunshine"

i should be a raven. we share the love of shiny stuff

met my friends' newborn son today. welcome to the world. call me auntie


i guess it looked exactly like this!!!(i'm the mandrill of course)

glitterfaces. when can i do that?

someone's getting an awful lot of attention lately..

April 17, 2010

my childhood fascinations pt. 3: astronomy

i mean - look at it!!! this is SO amazing, that it's beyond comprehension

my childhood fascinations pt. 2: whales

it's funny how some things from your childhood follows you for the rest of your life

my childhood fascinations pt. 1: rocks

the love of art

my own ambitions when it comes to art + i think this guy is pretty cool. forgot his name though

more cool kids

i hated being put into sailorclothes as a kid. but it's so cool! i'm so gonna do it if i get my own kids

i like new wave

last night was great. a shame i didn't get to play this

April 13, 2010

cool kids

"i'd like to order kid # 3, please"
(the last three are bowie, joplin and dylan in case any wondered)